Czech Team

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  1. Monday 5th of May
    On Monday morning we had an early start packing (last things) for a long prepared week in Spain. Then we met at the airport and next we went to check-in and secure which was really stressful for someone. We had a really long and very hungry flight to Asturias with connecting flight in Madrid. Because of that we were like hungry dogs, when we had our first dinner. We didn’t care about meeting with other students. We ate everything we saw. The sweet ending of this day was our accommodation. After the first shock and a long waiting for our luggage (something about one hour) we finally got to bed at 1a.m. And we were ready for the next day.

  2. Tuesday 6th
    We started with not really yummy breakfast but the day got much better afterwards. We visited some really interesting places. We really enjoyed the view from the tower at Laboral University. Despite the rainy weather the view was awesome. We did not know that Gijon is so green. We also went to Cideria, something we dont have in our country and it was totally special. We even tasted Cider from a big barrel. Honestly, it tastes funny but it was an interesting experience. The afternoon we spent in school working on our presentations in groups made of all present countries. That was good idea but some of us were not so lucky with the group as others. Some groups were fun but some,...not so much. But it s great we have to speak English even though some students do not speak the language at all...another interesting experience.

  3. Wednesday 7th
    Today we were in Oviedo to do some sightseeing. Architecture was really wonderful, we like the most the city hall and cathedral in gothic style. We spent our free time at the market. After that we played the Gymkana, which is about finding signed places in the map around the city. Then we had a lunch in school canteen. In our free time in Gijon we went shopping, but because of siesta we didn’t buy anything, but that’s good, because we didn’t spend our money. From four o’clock to five o’clock we were preparing presentation about our bake-sale in our school and results of survey. Then we planned to present it for other foreign students, but there wasn’t enough time to finish it. At the end of this day we had an impressive finale congress with proud headmasters of our schools and we also got useful red bag with Comenius logo to remind us Comenius project.

  4. Thursday 8th
    On Thursday morning we started with presentations for students from first and fifth classes of Gijon school Codema. Firstly we had to prepare presentation about our country, city and school with French and Spanish students. Spanish students were translating to their language to children. Children were very kind and cute. They gave us handmade presents like pictures etc. Then we had a free time in Gijon from 12:00 a.m. to 14:30 p.m. Most Czech students including teachers visited a beach and enjoying the sea, sun, sand, beautiful view and sexy surfers. That was amazing and we’ve got unforgettable memories. After lunch we arrived to Eco museum of coal mines. We rode by small yellow train to underground tunnel. Guide told us some information about coalmines and about history and life of workers. After that teachers made a big surprise for us and got us to huge and cheap mall. Everybody had shopping fever and bought at least one bag from Primark. We were happy and nice tired. At the end of this beautiful day we had dinner surprisingly with French fries. Then we fell asleep in one minute.

    Friday 9th
    After breakfast we got on bus and went to the Gijon. There we were waiting for our guide of the day (a PE teacher). We went for a walk. It was a trip 8 kilometres long from the Gijon to the Devon, where we had a delicious lunch in a restaurant. Actually it was classical Spanish food, salted peppers, sausages in oil, omelette, shrimps, inkpots and other dishes. After that we walked to the bus station. Bus took us back to the center of the Gijon. We had a free time in the city and then we had another delicious dishes. Well, after dinner we had another free time, most of us spent this time close to the sea. This was our unforgetable Friday in Gijon.

    Sunday 11th
    Our bus to the airport in Oviedo arrived at 5 a. m. so we woke up about 4 o’clock in the morning. We finished packing our luggage. We didn’t have any breakfast, only what we bought the day before. The plane took off at 7:30. In one hour later we were in Madrid. There at the airport we had about 3 hours of free time. Most of us bought coffee to wake up them and waited for the flight.
    Finally at 15:15 we landed in Prague. We were happy that our long flight (3 hours) ended and we met our families. By this time we started our long telling about this amazing trip.
